just here to remind myself and all

Rishika Bucha
2 min readDec 17, 2022

hey there, hope you are doing good. 2022 is coming to an end, and this blog is my 22nd blog but surely a reminder to something precious. Whoever reading this out, I hope this writeup leaves you in Hope and smile. This year has been really harsh but also helped me learn a lot of lessons. Most importantly I never gave up on me. Whatever I have gone through, I have learnt to fight , grow and evolve.

Photo by Nick Shandra on Unsplash

The thin line between a Best day and a worst one is what you decide it to be. Its on us how we let ourselves be treated by our days. You write YOUR STORY, isn’t it the best part!!!. Last few days I focused on what I want to do , what I want to my table and how to get that, this clarity helped me to tick down my bucket list wishes. It’s just the beginning but at least it has begun now. No one will come to help you my dear , be your own helper, be your own support and be your own encouragement.

Count on who counts on you when you really need them. Remember- “calling someone your friend and being A FRIEND has a huge difference. Everyone you meet , hangout can be someone who you can call as a friend but every friend cannot prove to be ONE FOR YOU.”

I just want every reader out here to dream as much as you can, as bigger as you can and never look behind. Because if you do , who else is coming to look forward for you???? Its YOU FOR YOU okay!! just go out, the world is all yours , you have to let yourself out of your blanket of doubts and obstacles. and you know why am I saying such stuff because it happened with me. I attended my first author session after breaking my leg yesterday night. I could have skipped the event today but it was a little dream of mine and I couldn’t let that wish rest inside my bucket list forever. I had the best experience today, worth cherishing. If I wouldn’t have decided to give my day a chance to be the best, I would stay in and rest whole day, ultimately end up feeling worst and ill too. ( Ps- am fine rn)

never ever ever look behind( just learn from your past mistakes)

its just way ahead and forward from here (for me and all of us reading)

keep smiling

and do share your views on shespreadsmile@gmail.com



Rishika Bucha

Spilling my heart out, letting my thoughts flow and trying to learn , evolve and grow!!