Rishika Bucha
3 min readNov 19, 2022

Hello there! hope you all are doing well. Today is International Men’s day , just here to appreciate such beautiful fellows. Men are generally considered as giver or provider. But I am here today to share my pov on it and what I feel. Men’s are often considered to be strong , less expressive and handling responsibilities. But is it really fair?

Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash

Dreamer — how many male figure’s reading here consider themselves as such!? Every male is a human being on top, every human deserves to dream , to chase , to feel , to fall , to crawl , to breathe , to stand still and to heal. They can have a soft heart that’s sensitive , one which understands and why being unexpressive would only identify you as a “Men”? Even they dream , but the burden of being a provider , giver or being a responsible kid drowns them down under pressure and they have to let their wishes flow away. We often remember female’s as an epitome of sacrifice but how many of us recall the sacrifices of a male figure in our life. They deserve appreciation too. The difference of male and female should be less discussed and concept of equality shall be more followed.

You can have insecurities related to your looks , you can have mental health issues , you can also need help ,you can also need a self care break , you can breakdown , you can be talkative too and most importantly you can or I must say you do not need to satisfy everyone’s expectations!!

Every men reading this out , I want you to remind yourself today that-

  1. You are free to dream and do anything that you wanna do.
  2. You are responsible only to YOURSELF.
  3. Be kind enough to respect your emotions, you need courage to be expressive and its necessary. ( Being strong is not being a men, being a human with a heart makes you STRONG and respecting emotions makes you a GENTLEMEN).
  4. You are not a Giver, you are also not a provider , you are a dreamer , chaser, believer and achiever!
  5. Let your tears fall , let your wings fly….let your pain heal , accept the beautiful you and I hope that’s not a big deal.
  6. There is no rush , take a breathe or a break whenever you feel so. Other’s can wait but Your wellbeing shouldn’t:)
  7. Be like a river that flows, that can stand still , that can have mood swings too ( ik every one has it:>). There is no need to be a mountain that is hard enough to be considered as a men.
  8. SOCIETY , EXPECTATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES CAN WAIT , SHOULD WAIT OR SOMETIMES IGNORED TOO BUT you reminding that you are a human being should be done and that’s MUST.
  9. You deserve love , care , respect and appreciation too. (let no one in this world tell you other wise).

every men out there , thank you for existing because without you the world would lack balance and to someone surely you are important :)

keep smiling and take care of your wellbeing

All of it is written from what I have heard, experienced and observed around me.

If you like reading my writeup’s , do share your views and can connect to me on



Rishika Bucha

Spilling my heart out, letting my thoughts flow and trying to learn , evolve and grow!!