Rishika Bucha
3 min readNov 14, 2022



Happie children’s day to everyone out here!

Have you ever revisited your younger self? (try this after you end up reading this)Presently lot has changed and yes, what is the point of looking behind when we have already moved far ahead!!? BUT THAT YOUNGER SELF IS YOUR FOUNDATION, it deserves appreciation too isn’t it ? But somewhere that part of us is still alive guiding us. I have always believed that the child in us shall live always because that child in us knows the real value of freedom, dreams and courage since the time when not knowing how to write it properly. That younger self of us has taught us a lot but as we grow up , we start understanding the meaning and most of the time this leads us obstructing ourselves from flying. Childhood was free of judgements and I hope we can try adopting this way of life as we grow up. Because caring about other’s thoughts will not do any good except stressing and scaring us from taking step.

All our taste and preferences have changed a bit or maybe drastically for sure but somewhere hitting back those childhood memories gives a touch of fresh cool breeze and leaves us with sense of peace. ( this is my personal experience). Maturity is being a person who can be kind , of value to us and to others ( I feel so:>) Being childish and keeping that free spirit alive takes courage , even if its being called immature…Who gives a damn!? Its our life, lets DRIVE IT OURSELVES (we are here to learn , we will eventually )

Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash

those stars above twinkling and shine , reminded me of my favourite rhyme

the time when we were actually free , striving today to again meet that part of me

then Dreaming of touching those up above high , but now there’s fear knocking that at times stops the try to fly

You can dim the light of the stars but who can ever stop it from SHINING , that its meant to do

and that’s why I will find my way out too!!

-a small impromptu poem by me

A lot many times those little kids gave me such messages that made me learn a lot , few days back, I saw two kids returning back home with their mothers after their playschool/ school was over. One friend was shouting in her language that I couldn’t comprehend but her friend understood , she rushed back to her touched her hand and returned back to her mother. That small incident spoke the word “FRIENDSHIP” loud without any of them even knowing about it. Yesterday I met another kid, constantly gazing me and he was nodding his head left right , I followed him and he smiled, making me smile too. How beautiful is this world , there is a lot to learn , to observe , to be said. Spend time with kids whenever you can, where ever you can , it could be your inner and also other’s out here in this pretty world. The feeling is beyond expression!

Hope I could make you smile , share this too if I did so:)

and keep smiling , stay insane at times (it keeps your life sane!)

Connect with me on my insta handle @shespreadsmile or if you wanna share your thoughts or your stories , you can write to me on shespreadsmile@gmail.com



Rishika Bucha

Spilling my heart out, letting my thoughts flow and trying to learn , evolve and grow!!