Rishika Bucha
3 min readApr 22, 2023

Sharing my feelings on a term that has made me happy since childhood that’s “BOOK”

Hello dear readers, I hope you are doing well. Someone might be chilling out with friends, a few may be sitting alone sipping on tea or coffee or some might be reading a book could be academics or otherwise.

Do you remember that it’s WORLD BOOK DAY tomorrow?

Books have always been a companion I loved to spend time with. Since childhood, I used to enjoy books specifically story books and someone told me that those things you choose in your childhood are the ones you are actually interested in and your affection towards them is pure. Books were one of my choices. And to date, It is a shady comforting place after all the crowd and rushing life around me. Why books? For me books talk to me, they teach me, and I find treasure, peace, and a sense of friendliness in them.

In this digital era, I enjoy the smell of books and this has been my favorite activity since childhood. There are a lot of things that technology might change or affect but when it comes to human emotions, there could be no alternative. I personally enjoy it when I could feel the pages of the book, I could mark the lines that have made a mark in my mind and I could hug it and fall asleep reading sometimes.

There are different kinds of book readers but I am here to share how I read, I am very selective about books and I love to read books again and again. I believe that every book teaches you different lessons each time you give it a read. I love to keep books and preserve them to read them again later. Every time I give it a read, I learn something new about it. Read 20 but read it, again and again, to squeeze out all that it has to say.

I want to share a few lines that I have marked out of the different books I read.

Books I read include- The Alchemist, Ikigai, Tuesdays with Morrie, Psychology of the subconscious mind, The little buddha (finding happiness), Life is as you make it, The Story of my life, Almanack, Mindset, Life’s Amazing Secrets, Learning How to Fly, Lean In, The Rudest book, etc

Photo by Jędrzej Ugorenko on Unsplash

Few of the lines that left a mark on me ( extracted from different books that I mentioned above)

  1. Someone in the world awaits you.
  2. Be aware of the Place where you are brought to tears.
  3. Don’t take life too seriously!
  4. The problem should not be the master, take charge and be the master of the problem.
  5. Giving is living.
  6. Our mind has a default setting to be obsessed with negativity.
  7. Let me fall if I must fall, the one I become will catch me!
  8. Do not permit any person to deflect you from your inner sense of peace.
  9. I give myself a good cry if I need it, But then I concentrate on all the good things in my life that still exists. Just a few tearful moments and then on with the day:)
  10. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others.

I hope the above lines helped you somehow. Tuesdays with Morrie and The little buddha ( finding happiness), these books are magical. I would recommend everyone to give them a read. Simply, Beautiful and worth it!

Share your favorites it could be a book recommendation, your favorite lines, or feelings about books. Anything:) Feel free to share.

Have a great time ahead. Take care:)

Btw If you love my write up’s, do visit my Youtube channel, which I recently started working on. — Rishika Bucha

If you want to you can connect with me on my Instagram handle @shespreadsmile



Rishika Bucha

Spilling my heart out, letting my thoughts flow and trying to learn , evolve and grow!!